Department(s): Bureau of Technology
Vendor: Application Software Technology, Naperville, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Enterprise Service Business Platform
Contract Value: $4,411,115.00
Contract period: Five (5) Year Term, July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 with two (2) one-year options
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2021- $419,780.00 (Fixed Charges), FY 2021 - $300,000.00 (Capital Budget), FY 2022- $1,306,650.75, FY 2023 $652,002.00, FY 2024- $662,002.00, FY 2025- $662,002.00, FY 2026-$408,678.25
Accounts: 11000.1490.15050.540135 (AST ESB Managed Services) 11569.1009.21120.560225 (Project number 21247)
Contract Number(s): 2012-18385
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Bureau of Technology: N/A
Summary: In 2016 the Bureau of Technology and the Cook County Criminal Justice Partners worked closely to implement the County’s Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) platform. Thus, enabling seamless interoperability with standards-based integration, automation, and business process reengineering. The County now has a mature and connected Justice Partner Network comprised of 25+ Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) data exchanges, enabling County Justice Partners to exchange more accurate and actionable information at speeds that ensure their operations can deliver acceptable results for the justice process that are relied upon for fairness, efficiency, and citizen safety. The BOT has partnered with the Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Public Defender, Chief Judge, States Attorney, Chicago Police Department, and Illinois Department of Corrections amongst others. The ESB is an ideal example of multiple County agencies working collaboratively to leverage a centrally hosted BOT Shared Service.
A key benefit of this agreement is that the Cook County Integrated Criminal Justice Information Systems (CCICJIS) representatives have agreed to continue to leverage the ESB as a platform to automate the exchange of data between key justice agencies which includes pushing data to a new data warehouse. By leveraging the existing ESB the overall cost to implement additional data exchanges is lower given our ability to leverage existing components for agencies that actively participate in the ESB program.