Department(s): Office of the Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
Vendor: McDermott Center dba Haymarket
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to amend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Cook County Mental Health Court and North Suburban Municipal Districts Drug Court Service Enhancement Program
Original Contract Period: 12/19/2018 - 09/29/2023, with one (1), one (1) year renewal option
Proposed Amendment Type: Increase
Proposed Contract Period: N/A
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $437,011.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): Board, 12/12/2018, $437,011.00
Increase Requested: $507,584.00, Grant Funded
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): N/A
Previous Board Renewals: N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Renewals: N/A
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Extension(s): N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY2019 - $11,034, FY2020 - $132,413, FY2021 - $132,413, FY2022 - $132,413, FY2023 - $99,311
Accounts: Grant Funded, 11900.1310.53683.520840. and 11900.1310.53754.520840, Professional Services
Contract Number(s): 1830-17645
The contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Circuit Court proposes to amend and increase the current contract with McDermott Center dba Haymarket, to provide a full range of substance abuse and aftercare services, pursuant to a new federally-funded enhancement grant. McDermott services currently provided to drug treatment court clients in Municipal Districts Two and Three would be extended to all Mental Health Court clients at all court locations.
The Circuit Court of Cook County is the Implementing Agency for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) North Suburban Municipal Districts Drug Court Service Enhancement Program (NSDCSEP) and Mental Health Courts Enhancement Program. The Court will contract with McDermott Center to deliver substance abuse treatment services to NSDCSEP participants, based on the organization’s qualifications and understanding of the current enhancement programs, goals and objectives.
McDermott Center will provide substance use disorders detoxification, residential, intensive outpatient, outpatient treatment; and recovery home services. Haymarket Center is the only provider of this full continuum of substance use disorders care that has experience: (1) working with the Cook County Problem-Solving Court teams, (2) internally enrolling clients in Medicaid and billing all possible services first to Medicaid or other insurance before billing to grants, and, (3) also can provide co-occurring mental health treatment to program participants with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
Based on McDermott Center’s longstanding role in Illinois’ treatment court programs, the organization is well versed in responding to needs of clients, family members, and court partners, as well as adapting to specific needs based on presenting health, safety, or administrative issues. McDermott Center has been involved in all phases of planning, launch and implementation of the programs and requires minimal additional education on the new grant and/or infrastructure-building components to ensure service delivery and processes are upheld to the highest standards.
This was a sole source procurement pursuant to Section 34-139 of the Cook County Procurement Code.