Type: Ordinance Amendment Status: Approved
File created: 8/28/2018 In control: Technology and Innovation Committee
On agenda: 9/12/2018 Final action: 9/26/2018
Title: PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCE REGARDING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSOLIDATION NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION. Article XII - Cook County Information Technology Security, Division 1. - Cook County Information Technology Security, Sections 2-960, 2-963, 2-964 and reserved section numbers, of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE XII. - COOK COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY DIVISION 1 - COOK COUNTY INFORMATION SECURITY Sec. 2-960. - Short title. This Article division shall be known and may be cited as the "Cook County Information Security Ordinance." Sec. 2-961. - Purpose and policy. All separately elected County and State Officials, Departments, Office Institutions or Agencies funded by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to, the offices and departments under the control of the County Board Pres...






NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION. Article XII - Cook County Information Technology Security, Division 1. - Cook County Information Technology Security, Sections 2-960, 2-963, 2-964 and reserved section numbers, of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:






Sec. 2-960. - Short title.


This Article division shall be known and may be cited as the "Cook County Information Security Ordinance.”


Sec. 2-961. - Purpose and policy.


All separately elected County and State Officials, Departments, Office Institutions or Agencies funded by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to, the offices and departments under the control of the County Board President, the Board of Commissioners, Cook County Health and Hospitals System, State's Attorney of Cook County, Cook County Sheriff, Cook County Public Defender, Illinois Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Cook County Treasurer, Cook County Clerk, Cook County Recorder of Deeds, Cook County Assessor, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Board of Review, Cook County Public Defender, Cook County Independent Inspector General, Cook County Veteran's Assistance Commission and the Public Administrator (collectively, "Agency") shall take all appropriate precautions to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Such precautions shall be in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations and take into consideration industry standards and best practices.




Sec. 2-963. - Definitions.


The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article  division shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:


Guideline means a recommendation to assist an Agency employee or contractor in making appropriate decisions or performing a particular task, which allows for latitude in interpretation and implementation.


Plan means a comprehensive document that details strategic direction, which may also provide additional details, such as Standards used and so forth.


Data Subject means an individual about whom information is collected or processed.


Policy means a document that communicates leadership expectations to a business unit or department of an Agency, which may also be considered as mandatory business rules or organization specific directives and which are communication of management intent.


Procedure means a document stating the manner in which a Policy shall be functionally implemented in an Agency's environment, which may define specific operation steps, manual methods, or instructions for compliance with a Policy.


Standard means a document that contains a specification or describes minimum implementation that satisfies a Policy.


Sec. 2-964. - Information security framework.


(a) The Information Security Working Group shall assist the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in creating, and updating as necessary, comprehensive and written information security Plans, Policies, Procedures, Standards, and Guidelines for the Agencies (collectively, the "Information Security Framework") to reasonably protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Agency information.


(b) In creating and updating the Information Security Framework, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) shall seek the advice and recommendations of each Agency in order to ensure that the Information Security Framework addresses unique considerations of said Agency; all Agencies shall advise and collaborate with the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in the creation of the Information Security Framework.


(c) The Information Security Framework shall:


                     (1) Be in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations;


                     (2) State all Agencies' minimum requirements and precautions to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Agencies' information;


                     (3) Address the unique considerations of each Agency in a manner that does not unduly interfere with the operations of such Agency or any confidentiality or privilege required for such operations; and


                     (4) Take into consideration industry standards and best practices by including critical and necessary components of any such similar framework, for example, risk management processes, information security incident response plans, and data breach notification plans.


                     (5) Include an Acceptable Use Policy compliant with Section 2-965 of this Article division.




Secs. 2-969. - Privacy Policy.


The Information Security Working Group shall assist the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in creating, and updating as necessary, a comprehensive privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) for the Agencies. The Privacy Policy shall govern the County’s handling practices, collection, and use of personal data, as well as the specific rights of Data Subjects.




Secs. 2-97069-2-9792-999. - Reserved




NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION. Article XII - Cook County Information Technology, Division 2. - Cook County Information Technology Consolidation, Sections 2-980 through 2-999, of the Cook County Code is hereby enacted as follows:




Section 2-980. - Short title.


This division shall be known and may be cited as the "Cook County Information Technology Consolidation Ordinance.”


Section 2-981. - Purpose and Policy


All separately elected County and State Officials, Departments, or Agencies funded by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to, the offices and departments under the control of the County Board President, the Board of Commissioners, Cook County Health and Hospitals System, State's Attorney of Cook County, Cook County Sheriff, Cook County Public Defender, Illinois Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Cook County Treasurer, Cook County Clerk, Cook County Recorder of Deeds, Cook County Assessor, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Board of Review, Cook County Independent Inspector General, Cook County Veteran's Assistance Commission and the Public Administrator (collectively, "Agency") shall, except as otherwise provided in this Division, coordinate to deliver information technology services in an efficient and cost-effective manner consistent with County, State and Federal law and industry standards.  Agencies not established under the Board of Commissioners or Office of the County Board President may elect, but are not required to, abide by the provisions of this Division. 


Section 2-982. - Consolidation Studies


(a) The CIO shall, in collaboration with participating Agencies, conduct a study into the viability of consolidating the following technology functions:


(1) Active directory, including a consolidated identity and access management system; and


(2) Data center.


(b) The CIO shall issue a report to the Cook County Board President and Cook County Board of Commissioners, Technology Committee regarding the viability of consolidating the above-referenced functions no later than January 1, 2020.


Section 2-983. - Powers and Duties of the Cook County Chief Information Officer


(a) The CIO shall, in collaboration with participating Agencies, develop policies and standards relating to technology that may be adopted by participating Agencies, including the following areas:


                     (1) Procurement standards;

                     (2) Productivity tools, including service desk and data center monitoring software;

                     (3) Software development;

                     (4) Hardware and architecture;

                     (5) Asset management; and

                     (6) Any other category of technology.


(b) The CIO shall establish a change management process to coordinate all changes to information technology services or infrastructure that impact Countywide information technology operations.


(c) The CIO shall create a multi-year, Countywide Technology Strategic Plan, which shall be presented to the President and the Cook County Board of Commissioners for receipt and file on an annual basis.


(d) The CIO shall seek the advice and recommendations of each participating Agency to ensure that any shared service or policy adopted by the CIO addresses the unique considerations and legal mandates governing each participating Agency and does not unduly interfere with the operations of such participating Agency.


Section 2-984. - Powers and Duties of Participating Agencies


(a) Chargebacks. Each participating Agency is responsible for its share of the cost of shared information technology products or services. The CIO shall determine the chargeback amount for shared products or services prior to delivery. The CIO shall ensure that the chargebacks are transparent and that the chargeback amount does not exceed the actual cost to the County of the information technology product or service.  


Section 2-985. - Consolidated Service Desk


(a) The County shall establish a Countywide Service Desk (“County Service Desk”) managed by the CIO.


(b) The County Service Desk shall provide Tier 1 support to the Offices under the President and, by agreement, any participating Agency.


                     (1) Tier 1 support is a basic level of support, with customer representatives who possess a broad understanding of County IT environments.


                     (2) Except as by agreement between BOT and participating Agencies, participating Agencies shall remain responsible for Tier 2 support.


(c) The CIO shall implement a County Service Desk service catalogue and service levels consistent with industry standards.


(d) The CIO and any participating Agency shall agree upon a project schedule to transfer Tier 1 support to the County Service Desk, and if applicable, Agency-specific service level agreements.


(e) The CIO shall implement all legally-mandated controls related to personal health information, criminal justice information, or any other sensitive data type prior to assuming Tier 1 support for any function that that may require access to such data. 


(f) The CIO shall provide a monthly report on County Service Desk metrics, including service level reports, to the participating Agencies. The CIO shall deliver the first County Service Desk report within 60 days of the establishment of the County Service Desk.


Sec. 2-986. Adoption and Compliance.


The adoption of any shared service or policy as set forth in this division shall not affect any rights and responsibilities arising under any law, including the Illinois Constitution, the Illinois Counties Code or the Code of Ordinances of Cook County, Illinois.


Secs. 2-987-2-999. - Reserved


Effective date:  This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption
