Department(s): Department of Capital Planning and Policy
Vendor: Powerhouse Construction Co., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) Services for John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital Improvements Project
Contract Value: $372,807,782.00
Contract period: 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2029
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY2025 $51,006,276.00, FY2026 $117,752,338.00, FY2027 $102,901,287.00 FY2028 $35,409294.00, FY2029 $32,869,294, FY2030 $32,869,294.00
Accounts: 11569.1031.11190.560105.00000.00000 and 11569.1031.11190.560107.00000.00000 (Capital Improvement Program)
Contract Number(s): H24-25-167
This Item has not been reviewed for Compliance yet as it is being referred to Committee for further review.
The CCH Chief Procurement Officer Concurs.
Summary: This request is for Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) services for improvements to Stroger Hospital. Vendor shall provide pre-construction services and complete the construction of assigned projects under a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). The Vendor will be expected to collaborate with architectural and engineering firms to provide preconstruction services to meet the objectives of the County, as well as any regulatory requirements, and shall provide complete construction management services for the construction of new projects, renovation projects, and demolition of up to 3 existing buildings on the campus. Vendor will provide all constructions services through project closeout. The approved projects include building exterior improvements, site upgrades, and interior improvements that are currently, or will be, assigned to multiple design professionals. There are twenty current projects underway that this request will support. Additionally, more than fifteen other projects have been identified as potential future JHS campus projects.
This contract was awarded through the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process in accordance with Cook County Procurement Code. The vendor was selected based upon established evaluation criteria.