Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Illinois Department of Transportation, in the Village of Schaumburg, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into an interagency agreement
Description: The Department of Transportation and Highways submits an Economic Development Program Agreement between the State of Illinois and the County of Cook, wherein Cook County will be the lead agency to let, award a contract and supervise roadway reconstruction and resurfacing improvements including concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, drainage additions and adjustments, pavement marking, signing and landscaping along 156th Street and 157th Street from Commercial Avenue to Halsted Street, to be identified as Cook County Section: 14-15632-01-FP State Job Number: C-91-184-15 (estimated construction cost $2,800,000.00). The State will pay for a maximum $1,133,884.00 of the project construction costs and the County of Cook will be responsible for the remaining balance, an estimated $1,666,116.00. Further, this Department is coordinating with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the allocation of $150,000.00 toward this improvement. This Agreement is necessitated by the improvement and is needed to provide a safe and sustainable highway to accommodate increased truck and vehicular traffic associated with a new commercial development and supports development of the regional economy in accordance with the Department's mission statement.
The Agreement has been examined and approved by this Department.
Location: 156th Street and 157th Street, Commercial Avenue to Halsted Street in the City of Harvey.
County Board District: 5
Centerline Mileage: 0.83
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Fiscal Impact: $2,800,000.00 ($1,133,884.00 to be reimbursed from the State of Illinois)
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-585 Account)