BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 58 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Offensives Involving Public Morals, ARTICLE IV, SECTION 58-161 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 58-161. Gaming devices
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 54, Video Gaming,
ARTICLE XIV, SECTIONS 54-424 THROUGH 54-460 of the Cook County Code is hereby enacted
as Follows:
Sec. 54-424. Short title
This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Video Gaming Ordinance."
Sec. 54-425. - Definitions.
Sec. 54-427. License required; restrictions.
Sec. 54-428. - Display of license; hours of operation.
Sec. 54-429. - Residency Requirement.
Sec. 54-430. - Multiple types of licenses prohibited.
Sec. 54-431. - Video gaming terminal use by minors prohibited.
Sec. 54-432. - Licensing qualifications.
Sec. 54-433. - Licensing procedures.
Sec. 54-434. - Process of denial of license.
Sec. 54-435. - Location and placement of video gaming terminals.
Sec. 54-436. - Complaints initiated by a private party.
Sec. 54-437. - Procedures for assessment of a fine, revocation or suspension of license.
Sec. 54-438. - Inspection.
Sec. 54-439. - Duties of all video gaming licensees.
Sec. 54-440. - Continuing duty to report violations.
Sec. 54-441. - Minimum standards for use agreements.
Sec. 54-442. - Direct dispensing of receipt tickets only.
Sec. 54-443. - Disposal of video gaming terminals.
Sec. 54-444. - State-local relations.
Sec. 54-445. - Privilege granted by license; transferability.
Sec. 54-446. - Licenses subject to amendments.
Sec. 54-447. - Applicability of Video Gaming Act and Riverboat Gambling Act.
Secs. 54-448 - 54-460. - Reserved.
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, CHAPTER 32 FEES, CHAPTER 54, LICENSES,PERMITS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINES REGULATION, SECTION 32-1 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 32-1 Fee schedule.
The fees or charges provided for or required by the below-listed sections shall be as shown below:
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect sixty days upon adoption.
Full text of Ordinance Amendment: https://tinyurl.com/yd9n8bu5