WHEREAS, the 2014 and 2015 Cook County Budgets have placed an emphasis on containing the high costs of the criminal justice system; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board of Commissioners needs relevant data to determine future budgets; and
WHEREAS, various Cook County offices funded by the Board of Commissioners participate in the criminal justice system; and
WHEREAS, the preservation of the public's safety is the number one goal of an effective criminal justice system; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Public Safety stakeholders, including the Chief Judge, Sheriff, State's Attorney, Public Defender, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Justice Advisory Council and President of the Cook County Board have agreed to engage in various initiatives to achieve the shared goals of increasing the safety of the public and reducing the cost of criminal justice through reductions in the cost and population of the Cook County Department of Corrections; and
WHEREAS, each of the stakeholders has undertaken significant programs to protect the public, reduce violence and crime through education, supervision and diversion from traditional criminal justice strategies; and
WHEREAS, each of the programs and strategies employed has the potential of reducing the overall 2016 Cook County budget through reducing the Cook County Department of Corrections population; and
WHEREAS, each of the programs could have measurable savings for the County if proper data is collected and evaluated; and
WHEREAS, having funded such programs it is in the interest of the County Board President and the Board of Commissioners to receive regular updates to ensure transparency and accountability on the various programs aimed at reducing Cook County costs and the Cook County Department of Corrections population; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by January 15, 2015, the Budget Director shall report to the Cook County Board and Criminal Justice Stakeholders the daily cost analysis of the jail population by detainee and outline the fixed and variable costs. In addition, the Budget Director shall provide a report template for quarterly Sheriff's Office reports to the Board of Commissioners to monitor potential savings from reductions in the jail population; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sheriff shall file with the President and the County Board a report on changes in the jail population at the Cook County Department of Corrections, in such form as established by the Director of Budget and Management Services. This report shall be filed no later than the 30th day following each quarter of the 2015 fiscal year and shall delineate any change in the jail population and the potential savings due to reductions in the population. The change on the population shall be based on the Average Daily General Population at the Department of Corrections (not including detainees on/at Electronic Monitoring, Day Reporting, Pre-Release, Furlough, the Vocational Rehabilitation Center or being detained in another facility not operated by the Cook County Sheriff) for the respective quarter compared to the Average Daily Population for the previous period and prior year. The report will also include justification of the level of expenditures made to manage and maintain the jail facility, including Correctional Officer salaries, Correctional Officer overtime, food, clothing, and laundry services for inmates and a determination if any savings were achieved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Judge, Sheriff, State's Attorney, Public Defender, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Justice Advisory Council and President of the Cook County Board shall file with the President and the County Board a report which provides an accounting of all actions taken to reduce the jail population and to reduce the caseloads of the Circuit Court through diversion programs. The reports shall be filed no later than the 30th day following each quarter of the 2015 fiscal year and shall be in a form established by the Director of Budget and Management Services. These reports shall also include a determination if any savings were achieved.