WHEREAS, On March 17th, 2022, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a vacating resolution presented by the County Department of Transportation and Highways (DOTH), which vacated an irregular shaped piece of Right of Way consisting of approximately 0.040 acres located at the southwest corner of the IL Route 83 and Bell Road intersection, identified as EL #450, in the Village of Lemont within Cook County Commissioner District 17; and
WHEREAS, Cook County Department of Real Estate Management was notified that the Village of Lemont is working to develop the site adjacent to this excess land. The acquisition of this vacated parcel will aid in providing an access point for the proposed development, which will enhance the Village’s economic development efforts and provide a benefit to Lemont residents as well residents in the surrounding communities. This land is necessary because it completes the corner parcel where development will be taking place; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Cook County Code Chapter 66, Section 66-3 (the “Surplus Highway Property Ordinance”), the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways has completed the process of vacating the property and as such, this property is considered “surplus.” The Department of Transportation and Highways as well as the Department of Real Estate Management have determined that the parcel to be transferred is not needed for other County purposes and the sale of the property to the Village of Lemont will be beneficial to the community; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with the Surplus Highway Property Ordinance, the Department of Transportation and Highways and the Real Estate Management Division recommend conveyance of EL #450 to the Village of Lemont. The parties have agreed on a price of $5,300, which is based on appraisals of the parcel.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize the conveyance of said surplus property to the Village of Lemont.