WHEREAS, Planning for Progress is a five-year strategic plan for the Cook County Department of Planning and Development within the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress consists of two Federally-required plans based upon similar timeframes and content thereby helping the County maintain cohesiveness and be more efficient in coordinating and targeting a wide spectrum of Federal resources to address local needs; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress includes a new 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the continued receipt of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds to support economic development, affordable housing, and community development in suburban Cook County with particular emphasis upon benefit to low- and moderate-income households and communities; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress includes a new 2015-2019 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) as required by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) within the U.S. Department of Commerce for eligible application for Federal funds to support economic development in the city of Chicago and suburban Cook County; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is partnering with Cook County and providing technical assistance to Planning for Progress through its Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program valued at approximately $130,000; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress was formally launched in October 2013 and is inclusive of extensive data compilation and analysis as well as critical feedback provided by key stakeholders and the general public; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress promoted the engagement of and solicited feedback from key stakeholders including but not limited to Cook County elected officials, management, and staff across various departments, councils of government (COG), councils of mayors (COM), township leaders, municipal leaders and staff, public housing authorities, local continuum of care leaders, staff, and members, fair housing advocates, social service providers, philanthropic funders, educational institutions and leadership, trade associations, business leaders, workforce development providers, commercial and residential developers, etc. along with members of the general public utilizing a variety of outreach methods between October 2013 and December 2014; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress includes an assessment of local assets, resources, needs, market conditions, and development/service opportunities; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress helps the Department strategically plan for future needs throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress capitalizes on existing local and regional planning efforts, establishing countywide and sub-regional goals that will provide a higher quality of life for its residents, workers, and visitors over the next five years; and
WHEREAS, Planning for Progress is consistent with CMAP's GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan which includes four thematic areas: Livable Communities, Human Capital, Efficient Governance, and Regional Mobility and specifically emphasizes the value of Planning for Progress' strategic approach to pursue coordinated investments; and
WHEREAS, the draft Planning for Progress strategic plan summarizing relevant needs, goals, priorities, and strategies was released for formal public review and comment for thirty (30) days in late 2014 and related comments have been addressed as appropriate; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Development Subcommittee of the Cook County Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) approved the draft Planning for Progress strategic plan to move forward for full EDAC review and consideration for approval at their October 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the full EDAC approved the draft Planning for Progress strategic plan to move forward for Cook County Board review and consideration for approval at their November 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the draft Planning for Progress strategic plan is now being presented to the Cook County Board of Commissioners for review and consideration for approval for adoption; and
WHEREAS, the adoption by the Cook County Board of Commissioners will enable the Department to initiate development of the corresponding HUD-required 2015 Annual Action Plan which will outline specific program and project funding recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the adoption by the Cook County Board of Commissioners will enable the Department to ultimately submit the final Planning for Progress strategic plan to EDA and HUD in advance of their respective February and August 2015 deadlines; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does hereby:
- Adopt in its entirety the Planning for Progress strategic plan; and
- Permit the Department to initiate development of the corresponding HUD-required 2015 Annual Action Plan; and
- Permit the Department to submit the final Planning for Progress strategic plan to EDA and HUD in advance of their respective February and August 2015 deadlines; and
- Allow that the Bureau Chief of Economic Development or their designee be authorized to execute, on behalf of the County of Cook, any and all documents necessary to further the initiative approved herein including, but not limited to funding agreements, intergovernmental agreements, amendments, and modifications thereto.