Department(s): Justice Advisory Council
Vendor: CGL Companies LLC, Sacramento, CA
Request: Authorization for the Justice Advisory Council to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Technical assistance to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Cook County criminal justice system’s reliance on and use of electronic monitoring.
Original Contract Period: 10/15/2020 - 10/14/2021
Proposed Amendment Type: Extension and Increase
Proposed Contract Period: Extension period 4/16/2022 - 4/15/2023
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $149,900.00
Original Approval (Board or Justice Advisory Council): $149,900.00
Increase Requested: $15,120.00
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Justice Advisory Council Increase(s): N/A
Previous Board Renewals: N/A
Previous Justice Advisory Council Renewals: N/A
Previous Board Extension(s): N/A
Previous Justice Advisory Council Extension(s): 10/15/2021 - 4/15/2022
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2022 $8,820.00, FY 2023 $6,300.00
Accounts: Fund/Office/Program/Object: 11287.1205.39001.521314
Contract Number(s): 1205-2005B
Summary: This contract has been to provide a report and recommendations on the Cook County criminal justice system’s reliance on and use of electronic monitoring. This report includes research, interviews with subject matter experts, data collection, and drafting a solution for effectively administering electronic monitoring in Cook County along with recommendations. The report is substantially completed but some work incorporating recent changes to policies and procedures regarding electronic monitoring in the wake of statutory changes needs to be done. A no cost extension had been undertaken by the JAC for 6 months from October 2021 into April 2022. This current proposed contract amendment is for a full year and does include an increase and would go into April of 2023. For this extension CGL Companies will charge their hourly rate of $315.00 per hour but not to exceed a total price of $15,120.00. This would raise the total contract value to $165,020.00.