Department(s): Administrative Hearings
Other Part(ies): Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF) 5601 West 26th St. Cicero, Illinois
Request: Administrative Hearings is seeking Cook County Board Approval to accept and adjudicate citations written by BNSF railway police.
Good(s) or Service(s): Cook County Department of Administrative Hearings will provide adjudication services for citations charging individuals with violating county ordinances.
Agreement period: One time agreement, but can be terminated by either party for any reason with written notice.
Fiscal Impact: Revenue generating est. $75,000: Department of Revenue will accept and collect payments. Quarterly AH will provide a record of fines imposed/collected on citations issued by BNSF railway police.
Accounts: N/A
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Summary/Notes: BNSF will issue Cook County vehicle code citations upon streets and highways to the extent the citation is issued on properties, streets and highways under both BNSF’s and Cook County’s jurisdiction.