Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: K-Five Construction Corporation of Westmont, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract.
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services - Franklin Avenue/Green Street
Location: Leyden Township
Section: 21-FRAGS-00-PV
Contract Value: $34,548,712.19
Contract period: 1/30/2025 - 11/30/2028
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact:
Motor Fuel Tax ("MFT')
Account FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 Total
MFT Cap: 11300.1500.29150.560019 $3,500,000.00 $8,326,969.79 $1,500,000.00 $13,326,969.79
MFT No Cap: 11300.1500.29150.521536 $318,580.40 $00.00 $318,580.40 $637,160.80
Grant Cap: 11900.1500.54179.560019 $1,631,205.60 $427,252.56 $00.00 $2,058,458.16
Grant No Cap: 11900.1500.54179.521536 $14,680,850.40 $3,845,273.04 $00.00 $18,526,123.44
Total $20,130,636.40 $12,599,495.39 $1,818,580.40 $34,548,712.19
MFT: 11300.1500.29150.560019, 11300.1500.29150.521536
Grant: 11900.1500.54179.560019, 11900.1500.54179.521536
Contract Number(s): 2316-09171
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via: Direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests the approval of the proposed Contract between the County and K-Five Construction Corporation, Westmont, Illinois.
This improvement consists of resurfacing, widening and reconstruction of Franklin Avenue-Green Street from York Road to Runge Street, County Line Road from 250' north of Waveland Avenue to Franklin Avenue, and Franklin Connector from 500' south of Franklin Avenue to Franklin Avenue. Also included is the removal and replacement of existing drainage structures, storm sewer, detention basin construction, traffic signal installations along Franklin Avenue at County Line Road, and Franklin Connecto...
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