Requestor: Aleks Briedis, Executive Director, Community Park District of La Grange Park
Request: Approval of No Cash Bid Request
Location: Village of La Grange Park
Volume and Property Index Number:
175, 15-33-411-051-0000
Summary: This Request Package contains one PIN. This property is vacant land that is located between our existing Beach Oak Park and the Indiana Belt Harbor Railroad. The property contains mature trees and thick underbrush. The District was recently awarded an Illinois Department of Natural Resource's (IDNR) Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant for redevelopment of our Beach Oak Park. We believe by acquiring this parcel that we could incorporate the land into our park, expanding the park size in its southwest corner and improve it aesthetically. A site plan of the proposed improvements is attached.
If acquired, the District will file for tax exempt status and will request to rezone it as park land with the Village of La Grange Park. The part of the parcel which has railroad tracks is intended to be transferred to the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, a possible Third Party Requestor. We are currently in discussions of their interest in being a Third Party Requestor. The District will retain legal counsel to obtain the tax deed and bear all legal and other costs associated with acquisition of the parcel. The District agrees to submit, to the Cook County Department of Economic Development, No Cash Bid Reports on the status of the parcel for five years or until development is complete, whichever occurs last, as required by the Cook County No Cash Bid Ordinance.