Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Village of Robbins, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into and execute
Goods or Services: Cook County will incorporate the design and construct of certain improvements along Kedzie Avenue from 139th Street to 135th Street and along 139th Street from Kedzie Avenue to Utica Avenue, including landscaping, sidewalk and modifications for ADA compliance, street lighting and crosswalk pavement markings, with reimbursement from federal sources secured by the Village.
Location: Kedzie Avenue from 139th Street to 135th Street and along 139th Street from Kedzie Avenue to Utica Avenue in the Village of Robbins
Centerline Mileage: 1.25 miles
Section: 13-W4612-07-LS
County Board District: 5
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $2,050,000.00 ($1,640,000.00 to be reimbursed from FHWA)
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-585 Account)
Summary: This Agreement follows a Local Agency Federal Agreement TE-HPP-1375(002) previously approved by your Honorable Body on 6/19/2013 for funding the improvement and is needed to improve pedestrian access and mobility in the community around the local Metra train station.
The Agreement has been examined and approved by this Department and by the State's Attorney's Office.