Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project Supplemental Improvement
Request: Refer to the Committee of Roads and Bridges
Project: This improvement, as proposed, consisted of pavement reconstruction with bituminous materials, installation of an enclosed drainage system, continuous left turn lane, curb and gutter, culvert replacement, traffic signal installation, railroad grade crossing renewal, right-of-way acquisition, pavement markings, traffic protection, landscaping, consultant design with review by County Forces, and construction engineering.
Location: 123rd Street, Cicero Avenue to Kedzie Avenue in the Village of Alsip.
Section: Section: 01-B7528-05-PV
County Board District: 6
Centerline Mileage: 2.25
Fiscal Impact: $3,525,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: (600-585 Account)
Board Approved Date and Amount: 5/15/2001 $9,000,000.00
Increased Amount: $3,525,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $12,525,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption, a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds for the improvements along 123rd Street from Cicero Avenue to Kedzie Avenue in the Village of Alsip.
On 5/15/2001, your Honorable Body approved an Improvement Resolution in the amount of $9,000,000.00. Additional funding is needed due to expansion of the improvement scope to include the removal of existing twin elliptical pipe culverts and concrete headwalls at the Merrionette Park Ditch, replacement of the pipe culverts and headwalls with a new cast-in-place concrete box culvert; installation of a junction chamber; installation of water main and service connections; new roadway lighting; removal of the existing traffic signal interconnect work; temporary traffic signals; installation of 12 ft. right-turn lanes a...
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