Department: Department of Real Estate Management
Request: Request to Approve Fourth Amendment to Lease Agreement
Landlord: UCAN, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation
Tenant: County of Cook
Location: 3605 W. Fillmore, Chicago, Illinois
Term/Extension Period: 11/1/2023 - 10/31/2026
Space Occupied: 2,976 sq. ft.
Monthly Rent: $12,000.00 annually
Fiscal Impact: $36,000.00 (term of lease)
Accounts: 11100.1300.14185.550130.00000.00000
Option to Renew: Two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Termination: Sixty (60) days’ written notice to Landlord.
Utilities Included: Yes
Summary: Requesting approval of a fourth lease amendment between UCAN, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation as Landlord, and County of Cook, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois, as Tenant for space consisting of approximately 2,976 square feet on the first floor in the building located at 3605 W. Fillmore Street, Chicago, Illinois. This is a slight change from the area stipulated in the original lease dated September 28, 2017, but offers superior utility. The use of the space is for the Restorative Justice Community Court, providing defendants and victims the ability to work together within the community to redress the harm caused by the crime.