Department: Bureau of Technology
Other Part(ies): Chicago Transit Authority
Request: Approval of Amendment
Goods or Services: Intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between Bureau of Technology (BOT) and the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) to provide access to and use of portions of the CTA's fiber optic cable system.
Agreement Number: N/A
Agreement Period: 3/14/2012-3/13/2022
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: 499-220
Summary: The original IGA, having a term of ten years, allowed the County to use eight (8) CTA dark fiber strands to build the County's broadband network (Network) from downtown Chicago to the CTA's Pink Line Polk Street Station and Stroger Hospital of Cook County. This IGA amendment will allow the County to extend the Network along the CTA Pink Line and Blue Line, from the current endpoint of CTA's Pink Line Kostner Station to a new endpoint of Forest Park Blue Line Station. The amendment would also add an interconnection point at the CTA's Green Line 35th Street Station, allowing the County to interconnect its other fiber assets. Additionally, this amendment will reduce Cook County's responsibility for unplanned repair/construction costs by sharing those unplanned costs with other entities that hold IRUs in the same fiber path.
The Cook County State's Attorney's Office has approved this IGA as to form.