Department(s): Department of Transportation and Highways
Action: Payment Approval
Payee: Semper Fi Land Incorporated, Yorkville, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Herbicide Spray Services
Fiscal Impact: $20,400.00 (One-time Payment)
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund Account:11300.1500.29150.540380
Contract Number(s): 1784-16697
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of payment to Semper Fi Land Incorporated, Yorkville, Illinois in the amount of $20,400.00 for Herbicide Spray Services in the Northern Maintenance Districts 1 and 2. Herbicide Spray Services are needed to control weeds on roads maintained by the Department of Transportation and Highways. Approval of payment by the Board is necessary, due to the issuance and receipt of the final invoice by the vendor after the contract expiration date. Once a contract expires, the Oracle Financial System puts the contract in an inactive status, which does not allow a Department to release funds for payment. Therefore, we are requesting the Honorable Board approve the final payment to Semper Fi Land Incorporated in the amount of $20,400.00.