Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): K-Five Construction Corporation, Westmont, Illinois
Action: Refer to Transportation Committee
Section: 19-W3216-00-PV
Contract Number(s): 2028-18123
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project Number(s): N/A
Federal Job Number(s): N/A
Location: Roberts Road - Valley Drive to 87th Street
Board District: 6, 17
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services
Fiscal Impact: $462,159.56 increase
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests that this Change in Plans and Extra Work be referred to the Transportation Committee for further discussion. The proposed improvement consisted of milling and asphalt grinding, pavement patching, asphalt overlay, removal and replacement of curb and gutter, new pavement markings, sidewalk with ADA improvements, traffic signal modernizations, and collateral and auxiliary work as needed to complete the project.
The quantities as shown on the contract documents were estimated for bidding purposes only. This change represents the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field quantities of work performed with additional quantities required for mixture for crack joints and flangeways, HMA binder course and concrete curb and gutter.
New items were added for steel mast arm assembly and pole, recessed reflective pavement markers, frames and grates various types, HMA surface removal variable depth, poly HMA surface course, HMA surface mix D, overlay and petromat removal, pipe replacement due to blockage, type 3V inlet and type R frame and grate.