Request: Variation V 16-51
Township: Stickney
County District: 16
Property Address: 4858 South Long Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60638
Property Description: The Subject Property consists of approximately 0.13 acre located on the northwest corner of 49th Street and Long Avenue.
Owner: Gaytan Properties Series LLC. (C/O Javier Gaytan), 7703 W 43rd Street, Lyons, Illinois
Agent/Attorney: Rob Roe Esq. (Berg and Berg), 2100 W 35th Street, Chicago, Illinois
Current Zoning: R-5 Single Family Residence District
Intended use: Applicant seeks a variance to (1) reduce the lot area from the minimum required 10,000 square feet to an existing 5,908 square feet, (2) reduce the lot width from the minimum required 60 feet to an existing 47 feet, (3) reduce the front yard setback from the minimum required 25.1 ( 20 percent of lot depth) to an existing 20 24.3 feet, (4) reduce the corner side yard setback from the minimum required 15 feet to an existing 6 feet, (5) reduce the interior side yard setback from the minimum required 10 feet to an existing 4.6 feet, (6) reduce the rear yard setback from the minimum required 40 feet to an existing 26.7 feet and (7) increase the floor area ratio (FAR) from the maximum allowed 0.40 to a proposed 0.49. The variance is sought in order to bring exiting lot conditions into compliance and to allow for the constructions of a single family residential dwelling.
Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation is that the application be granted as amended.
Conditions: None
Objectors: None
Zoning Board Hearing: 12/7/2016
Zoning Board Recommendation date: 12/7/2016
County Board extension granted: N/A