Department(s): Cook County Assessor’s Office
Action: Payment Approval Request
Payee: Adlexx Corporation, Bulpitt, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and Processing Services
Fiscal Impact: FY2021, $68,244.62
Accounts: 11000.1040.10155.520496
Contract Number(s): 1435-14153
Summary: Due to the CCAO’s statutory obligation to notice property owners of any changes to assessments and the impacts of the COVID-19 public health crisis on our operations, the CCAO has seen a drastic increase in the volume of mail handled by our mail-house vendor Adlexx in 2020. While the CCAO has secured CARES Act (CRF) funding to cover the additional, unexpected COVID-related mailings, the overall increase in mail has caused us to reach our agreed contractual limit much quicker than anticipated. As our current contract with Adlexx is set to expire 1/31/2021 and we are currently in the process of soliciting a competitive bid, we have not sought an increase in the contract amount. Rather we are requesting payment approval to cover the remaining invoices from our 2020 reassessment and COVID-related mailings