BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 34 -Finance. Article IV, Procurement Code, Division 8. Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises, Subdivision I. Section 34-280 and Subdivision II. Section 34-300.2 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 34-280 - Program review and sunset.
(a) The President and the Board of Commissioners shall receive an annual report from the CCD detailing the County's performance under the Program.
(b) The President and the Board of Commissioners will review these reports, including the Annual Participation Goals and the County's progress towards meeting those Goals and eliminating discrimination in its contracting activities and marketplace.
(c) Within five years after the effective date of this ordinance, the County will review the operation of the Program and the evidentiary basis for the Program in order to determine whether the County has a continuing compelling interest in remedying discrimination against MBEs and WBEs in its marketplace, and the permissible scope of any narrowly tailored remedies to redress discrimination against MBEs or WBEs so that the County will not function as a passive participant in a discriminatory marketplace.
(d) This subdivision shall sunseton or before December 31, 2022 March 31, 2023.
Sec. 34-300.2 - Program review and sunset.
(a) The President and the Board of Commissioners shall receive an annual report from the CCD detailing the County's performance under the Program.
(b) The President and the Board of Commissioners will review these reports, including the Annual Participation Goals and the County's progress towards meeting those Goals and eliminating discrimination in its contracting activities and marketplace.
(c) Within five years after the effective date of this ordinance, the County will review the operation of the Program and the evidentiar...
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