Department: Revenue and Administrative Hearings
Other Part(ies): Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Request: Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement
Goods or Services: Hearing Officers in the Department of Administrative Hearings will adjudicate County ordinance violations that occur under the Forest Preserve ordinances. Revenue will collect fines and restitution on behalf of the Forest Preserve for a fee and remit the remainder to the Forest Preserve. .
Agreement Number(s): Amendment of First IGA approved on March 3, 2010
Agreement Period: 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2028, with one five-year optional renewal
Fiscal Impact: Revenue Generating
Accounts: 11000.1007.11895.407036.00000.00000
Summary: This is an amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Departments of Revenue and Administrative Hearings and the Forest Preserve. The agreement states that the Department of Administrative Hearings will adjudicate violations of Forest Preserve ordinances. The Department of Revenue will collect fines and restitution ordered by Administrative Hearings for a fee and remit the remainder to the Forest Preserve. The amendment is to increase the costs retained by the County from 5% to 10% and to allow Revenue to collect fines prior to and restitution after adjudication by Administrative Hearings. The fee change is to account for increased costs in processing collected funds.