Department: Transportation and Highways
Request: Approval
Type of Project: Motor Fuel Tax Project, Highway Maintenance Resolution Electrical and Mechanical Item. Maintenance for Calendar Year 2016 at Various Locations Maintenance Resolution.
Section: 16-8EMIM-44-GM
Maintenance District(s): Maintenance #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
County Board District(s): 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13-17
Fiscal Impact: $4,002,600.00
Account(s): Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-585 Account)
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption a resolution appropriating funds for the contract maintenance and operation services of traffic signals and flashers at 460 locations, 30 roadway lighting and 5 interior lighting installations, 5 navigational lighting installations, 7 pumping stations and 5 cathodic protection locations, to be more fully described in subsequent contract documents and includes energy charges for traffic signals and pumping stations, contingencies for possible temporary signal installations and knockdown replacement on County maintained highways for the calendar year 2016 and includes supervision by County Forces.
These services are required by the Department to maintain the electrical and mechanical items on our roadway network to ensure public safety and traffic control.