Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois (“FPDCC”)
Request: Approval of proposed Intergovernmental Agreement.
Goods or Services: Design Engineering, Construction and Construction Engineering Improvements
Location: FPDCC, Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Section: 21-A6107-00-PV
Centerline Mileage: N/A
County Board District: 15
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: One-time agreement
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the proposed intergovernmental agreement between the County and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The County of Cook (“County”) will be the lead agency for design engineering, construction and construction engineering improvements for multi-use trail spur on FPDCC property at the northeast corner of Central Road and Huntington Boulevard (Trail Spur) to connect the proposed multi-use trail with an existing multi-use trail in the Paul Douglas Forest Preserve. The FPDCC agreed to allow the County to construct a proposed Trail Spur on FPDCC property. Upon completion of the Project and acceptance of the Trail Spur by the FPDCC, the FPDCC will own, operate, and maintain at its sole expense, the Trail Spur constructed or improved as part of the Project. The County will pay all actual design engineering, construction and construction engineering costs for the Project.