WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the Bureau of Finance, as well as the management oversight for the Comptroller, Budget, Revenue, Risk Management, Procurement, Liquor Commission and Contract Compliance Departments; and
WHEREAS, in the case of a vacancy in the position of Chief Financial Officer, it is necessary to appoint an Acting or Interim Chief Financial Officer to perform the duties of the Chief Financial Officer and said Acting or Interim Chief Financial Officer shall have the full authority to otherwise execute the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer until the appointed candidate for Chief Financial Officer can be confirmed by the Cook County Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, the current Chief Financial Officer will vacate the position on June 10, 2022; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative to the successful operation of County government that the duties of the Chief Financial Officer continue to be carried out in an efficient and transparent manner; and
WHEREAS, President Toni Preckwinkle has appointed the Comptroller, Lawrence L. Wilson, to serve as the Acting Chief Financial Officer; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Wilson is highly knowledgeable of the County’s finances and the Finance Bureau operations and is highly qualified to manage the operations of the Bureau of Finance and assume the duties of the Acting Chief Financial Officer.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the appointment of Lawrence L. Wilson as Acting Chief Financial Officer effective June 11, 2022, and grants Lawrence L. Wilson the full authority to fulfill the responsibilities of Chief Financial Officer and execute the duties of the Chief Financial Officer until a successor is confirmed.