Department(s): Justice Advisory Council
Other Part(ies):
Chicago Children's Advocacy Center (ChicagoCAC), Chicago, Illinois
Proviso Children's Advocacy Center
Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County
La Rabida Children's Advocacy Center
All Our Children's Advocacy Center
Request: Authorization to negotiate and execute an Interagency Agreement to provide funding to the five CACs in Cook County
Good(s) or Service(s): As a result of a statutory changes in the Clerk of the Circuit Court's fee structure, the CACs in Cook County are estimated to lose nearly $800,000.00 that is partially being shifted to the General Fund. Cook County through the Justice Advisory Council seeks to provide a grant of funds in the amount of $750,000 to the CACs to investigate alleged child abuse, conduct forensic interviews, provide family advocacy, reduce trauma and identify resources so that children and families may begin the healing process.
Agreement period: 9/15/2019 - 11/30/2020
Fiscal Impact: $750,000.00 ($250,000.00 in FY 2019 and $500,000.00 in FY 2020)
Accounts: 11100.1499.10155.521314 - Public Safety Fixed Charges (JAC) Special or Coop Program
Agreement Number(s): NA
Summary/Notes: As a result of a statutory changes in the Clerk of the Circuit Court's fee structure, the five CACs in Cook County are estimated to lose nearly $800,000.00 that is partially being shifted to the General Fund. Cook County through the Justice Advisory Council seeks to provide a grant of funds in the amount of $750,000 to the CACs to investigate alleged child abuse, conduct forensic interviews, provide family advocacy, reduce trauma and identify resources so that children and families may begin the healing process. Each CAC will utilize the County's grant of funds to (1) facilitate coordinated multidisciplinary investigations into reports of child abuse received; (2) conduct forensic interviews of alleged child victims...
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