Department: Transportation and Highways
Grantee: Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways
Grantor: Illinois Department of Transportation Surface Transportation Urban Program (STU)
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The improvements on 134th Street roadway shall include the reconstruction of the existing pavement to concrete pavement, drainage improvements, complete street compliance, landscaping, engineering, and other necessary highway.
Location: 134th Street, Halsted Street to Marsden Drive in the Village of Riverdale
County Board District: 5
Section: 16-13433-00-RP
Project Number: M-4003(788)
Job Number: P-91-397-16
TIP Number: 07-10-0014
Grant Amount: $1,785,743.00
Grant Period: 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2019
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The value of infrastructure improvement to economic development and job creation in Cook County has been highlights and prioritized in the County’s Long Range Transportation Plan, Connecting Cook County.
Improvement are needed to 134th Street, a roadway under the Village of Riverdale jurisdictional authority are needed to provide a safe and sustainable highway to accommodate truck and vehicular traffic associated with an existing steel manufacturer and supports development of the regional economy.
Cook County is willing to act as the lead agent for roadway improvements along 134th Street from Halsted Street to Marsden Drive and has secured Grant Funding to pay for the improvements.