Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Other Part(ies): Village of Ford Heights, Ford Heights, Illinois
Request: Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Ford Heights
Goods or Services: The Cook County Sheriff’s Office will provide law enforcement services for the Village of Ford Heights, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 7/15/2024 - 7/15/2029
Fiscal Impact: None. Revenue Neutral
Accounts: 11100.1231.13355.501010 - Salary Wages
Summary: Authorization for the County of Cook on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office to enter into and execute an Intergovernmental Agreement for law enforcement services for the Village of Ford Heights, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
The Village of Ford Heights agrees to reimburse the Cook County Sheriff’s Office three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) monthly to offset a portion of the costs for all personnel and operational costs associated with this IGA, including but not limited to cost associated with any additional positions necessary for performance services (“Sheriff’s Reimbursement”). Such payment is to be remitted to the Sheriff’s Office within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month to which such payment applies.