Department: Department of Real Estate Management
Request: Request to Renew License Agreement
Licensor: The Catholic Bishop of Chicago
Licensee: County of Cook
Location: Saint Hyacinth Parish, 3635 W. George Street, Chicago, Illinois 60618
Term/Extension Period: 1/1/2024 - 6/30/2025 (18 Months)
Space Occupied: Approximately 9,135 square feet
Monthly Rent: $2,400.00
Fiscal Impact: $43,200.00
Accounts: 11100-1300-14185-550130 (Office of the Chief Judge)
Option to Renew: One (1) one year term, with parties’ mutual agreement
Termination: N/A
Utilities Included: Yes
Summary/Notes: Requesting approval to renew a License Agreement between The Catholic Bishop Of Chicago, an Illinois corporation, as (Licensor), and the County of Cook, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois (Licensee), on behalf of the Restorative Justice Community Court, to lease space at St. Hyacinth Parish. Included amongst the Parish campus is a building commonly known as “Resurrection Hall”, collectively, the (Licensor’s Property), for the purpose of conducting the business of the Restorative Justice Community Court (RJCC), operated by the Circuit Court of Cook County.
RJCC focuses on young adults, between the ages of 18-26, that are charged with non-violent felony or misdemeanor crimes. RJCC’s primary objective is to give young adults an opportunity to course correct and improve their chances of living successful and productive lives. Participants that successfully complete the program may have the opportunity to have their charges dismissed and arrests and court records expunged.