BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 102 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, ARTICLE III-BUILDING CODE, Section 102-136 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 102-136
When a connection to a central sewerage system or a central water system is not reasonably available for a building or use due to factors beyond the control of the owner, including but not limited to distance, cost, terrain, physical impediments, and unavailability:
(a) An individual sewage disposal system may be approved by the Building Commissioner, with the assistance of the Cook County Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department of Public Health, in conformity with 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 905.
(b) In recreational areas, pit or vault privies may be approved by the Building Commissioner, with the assistance of the Cook County Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department of Public Health, in conformity with 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 800, subpart D, and subpart I.
(c) An alternative or private water source may be approved by the Building Commissioner, with the assistance of the Cook County Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department of Public Health, in conformity with 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 900.
(d) In recreational areas, an alternative water source may be approved by the Building Commissioner, with the assistance of the Cook County Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department of Public Health, in conformity with 77 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 800, subpart C, and subpart I.
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption.