Department: Transportation and Highways
Project Type: Motor Fuel Tax Project
Request: Approval of a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds upon the recommendation of the Committee on Roads and Bridges.
Project: Additional funding is needed due to scope expansion related to the construction of the mainline sewer.
Location: Roberts Road, 86th to 79th Street in the Villages of Bridgeview and Justice
Section: 14-W3219-01-DR
County Board District: 6
Centerline Mileage: N/A
Fiscal Impact: $800,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: (600-585 Account)
Board Approved Date and Amount: 9/10/2014, $3,700,000.00
Increased Amount: $800,000.00
Total Adjusted Amount: $4,300,000.00
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption, a supplemental improvement resolution appropriating additional funds for the improvements of Roberts Road from 86th Street to 79th Street in southern Cook County. This improvement, as proposed, will consist of drainage improvements and pavement rehabilitation within the Right-Of-Way and shall include upsizing of the existing storm drain system, installation of new catch basins, grinding and patching of existing concrete pavement, overlaying with hot mix asphalt surface, traffic signal modernization at 79th Street, sidewalk removal and replacement, traffic control and protection, pavement marking, landscaping, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances.
Additional funding is needed due to scope expansion related to the construction of the mainline sewer.