Department: Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Grantee: Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Grantor: Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The purpose of this grant is to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures to reduce the loss of life and property due to natural disasters.
Grant Amount: $187,499.80
Grant Period: 8/14/2017 - 3/22/2021
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A
Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents, and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s (IEMA) Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program awards planning and project grants and provides opportunities for raising public awareness about reducing future losses before disaster strikes. Mitigation planning is a key process used to break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage.