Department(s): County Clerk
Action: Payment of outstanding invoice
Payee: MSF&W, Inc., Springfield, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): BrowseAloud service for Cook County Clerk’s Office
Fiscal Impact: $1,595.00
Accounts: 11306.531690
Contract Number(s): 1335-12933
Summary: The County Clerk’s Office is requesting approval of a payment in the amount of $1,595.00 to MSF&W, Inc., for continued licensing of their website accessibility software BrowseAloud. BrowseAloud is an embedded software in the Clerk’s website, cookcountyclerk.com, that enables all text to be converted to audio and read to visitors who require assistance. The Clerk’s Office is currently working with the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer to obtain a contract for the new fiscal year.