Department: Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Other Part(ies): Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the Chicago Transit Authority (“CTA”)
Goods or Services: SWAP offenders to perform grounds-keeping and maintenance to various properties under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Transit Authority
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2020, with two one year options to renew.
Fiscal Impact: None - Revenue Generating
Accounts: N/A
Summary: As part of this Intergovernmental Agreement, the Sheriff shall assign Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program (SWAP) Offenders to perform grounds-keeping and maintenance to various properties under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Transit Authority.
The Chicago Transit Authority agrees to reimburse the Sheriff’s Office for the full-time salary and benefits for up to two (2) SWAP Deputies, as established by the collective bargaining agreement between the County and the labor union representing the officer/officers; the half-time salary and benefits for one (1) sworn supervisor; the cost of transport daily at a rate of $60.00 per day and the monthly invoice will include a 10% administrative fee. The total per annum amount shall not exceed $380,000.00.