Department: Bureau of Economic Development
Grantee: Bureau of Economic Development, Cook County
Grantor: Nathalie P. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement (Voorhees Center) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The Chicago Metro Metal Consortium (CMMC), of which the Bureau of Economic Development serves as the lead agency, represents the seven counties in northeastern Illinois Defense Network. The purpose of this grant is to utilize the findings and insights from the University of Illinois' Supply Chain Mapping Tool to develop programs and services that will strengthen the competitiveness of the defense related manufacturing sector, understand the specific needs of this sector and serve as a conduit for addressing issues and identifying opportunities.
Grant Amount: $166,820
Grant Period: 9/1/2018 - 3/1/2019
Fiscal Impact: $50,963.00 in-kind match
Accounts: N/A
Department of Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents and determined fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: There are, on average, 1,360 companies in the seven county Chicago-metro area that perform Department of Defense (DoD) work, representing $5.3 billion annually. Reflecting its share of the Illinois economy, the Chicago metro area accounts for nearly 80% of the DoD's sales in the state. In addition, similar to the trend observed for Illinois, the amount of defense sales shows a strong growth trajectory, having increased nearly 37% in the five year period of 2013-2017. In 2015, over 21,000 jobs in the Northeast Illinois Region were directly supported by defense sales.
This funding provides essential resources which will allow the Chicago Metro Metal Consortium to to build the competiveness of the defense related supply chain. CMMC, as part of the Illinois Defense Network...
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