File #: 25-0881    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Litigation Pending Status: Approved
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Finance Subcommittee on Litigation
On agenda: 1/15/2025 Final action: 1/15/2025
Title: PROPOSED LITIGATION PENDING Department: State's Attorney's Office, Civil Actions Bureau Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation Case Name: John Fulton v. Robert Bartik, et al., Anthony Mitchell v. Robert Bartik, et al. Case Number: 20 C 3118, 20 C 3119




Department:                     State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau


Request:                     Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation


Case Name:                     John Fulton v. Robert Bartik, et al., Anthony Mitchell v. Robert Bartik, et al.


Case Number:  20 C 3118, 20 C 3119 
