Department(s): Cook County Assessor’s Office
Action: Payment Only
Payee: Adlexx Corporation, Bulpitt, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and Processing
Fiscal Impact: $65,600.00
Accounts: 11000.1040.10155.520496
Contract Number(s): 1435-14153
Summary: Request for payment only of Printing, Processing and Mailing of Proposed Assessed Valuation Notices for Reassessment Townships and Printing, Data Processing, Laser Addressing, Barcoding, Mail and Return for Taxpayers Exemptions Forms. The above referenced contract has reached the limit on its total contract authority and has also come to term as of January 31, 2021. The CCAO and OCPO are currently engaged in the competitive bidding process for mailing and processing which has been delayed. In the best interests of the County, the CCAO is also seeking an emergency contract to ensure that a vendor is in place to handle critical mailing and processing needs until the competitive bid process can be completed. As we have been navigating through both of these processes, the CCAO needed to fulfill its statutory requirement and ensure the continuity of the mailing of homestead exemptions and reassessment notices to property owners resulting in the request of this payment approval.