Department(s): Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Vendor: Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc., Oakbrook, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Entry-Level and Promotional Testing Services
Original Contract Period: 6/14/2011 - 6/13/2014, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 6/14/2019 - 6/13/2020
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $865,860.00
Original Approval (Board or Procurement): 2/15/2011, $865,860.00
Previous Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 4/29/2015, 6/14/2015 - 6/13/2016; 5/11/2016, 6/14/2016 - 6/13/2017; 5/10/2017, 6/14/2017 - 6/13/2018; 4/25/2018, 6/14/2018 - 6/13/2019
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 6/20/2014, 6/14/2014 - 6/13/2015
This Increase Requested: N/A
Potential Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: 11100.1249.10155.520825
Contract Number(s): 11-50-54
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation and partial MWBE waiver.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This request to extend will allow the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to continue to receive entry-level and promotional testing services, and pre-examination preparation services for entry-level and promotional-level sworn personnel.
The Sheriff’s Office is currently working with the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer to complete a competitive solicitation for a new contract.
This contract was awarded through a publically advertised Request for Proposals (RFP) in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc. was selected based upon established evaluation criteria.