Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): N/A
Request: Approval
Good(s) or Services(s): Transportation Distribution and Logistics Workforce Development Program
Location: Various Locations within Cook County
Section: 17-TDLWD-00-TR
County Board Districts: Countywide
Fiscal Impact: $500,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Funds (600-585 Account)
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully submits for adoption a resolution appropriating funds for the Transportation Distribution and Logistics Workforce Development Program. This program consists of providing training and support for individuals entering the transportation distribution and logistics industry. This includes qualifications development, technical training and certifications that relate to the transportation sector. This program supports the regions role as North America’s Freight Capital, a policy outlined in the County’s Long Range Transportation Plan.
These services are needed to enable the Department to continue its mission of providing safe, efficient and effective transportation facilities for the general public in Cook County.