Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: URS Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Long Range Transportation Planning Service
Location: Countywide
County Board District(s): Countywide
Original Contract Period: 6/1/2013-5/31/2015 with one (1), one (1) year renewal option
Section: 12-6LRTP-01-ES
Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A
Section: 12-6LRTP-01-ES
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $998,975.74
Original Board Approval: 5/8/2013 $998,975.74
Previous Board Increase(s): N/A
Previous Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s): 8/7/2015, 6/1/2015 - 5/31/2016
This Increase Requested: $369,445.18
Potential Fiscal Impact: FY 2015 $69,445.18, FY 2016 $300,000.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund (600-585 Account)
Contract Number(s): 12-88-332
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project Number(s): N/A
Federal Job Number(s): N/A
The vendor has met the Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
Summary: This contract consists of developing a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which includes preparation of a Countywide transportation system inventory, providing forecast of socioeconomic data to establish future travel demand, identification and evaluation of transportation deficiencies and transportation improvements that are supportive of a preferred scenario, compiling recommendations for strategies and major capital projects into a recommended plan, financial analysis of estimated revenues and projected transportation improvement costs, comprehensive regional and local coordination and other necessary engineering tasks. This increase is needed to expand upon activities within the original scope so as to achieve greater publi...
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