Department(s): Transportation and Highways
Vendor: D. Construction, Inc., Coal City, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into and execute contract.
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services
Location: South Cook County-Various Locations
County Board District: 5,6,16
Section: 16-PPRPS-00-PV
Contract Value: $ 3,429,607.43
Contract period: 3/21/2018 - 5/17/2022
Centerline Mileage: 3.83 miles
Potential Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2018 $2,743,685.94, FY 2019 $685,921.49
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Account:
Contract Number(s): 1755-16899
IDOT Contract Number(s): N/A
Federal Project Number(s): N/A
Federal Job Number(s): N/A
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
The Chief Procurement Officer concurs.
PPRP South-2017 is a part of the Pavement Preservation and Rehabilitation Program at various location throughout the southern portion of Cook County. The work includes pavement rehabilitation and ADA improvements. Other work includes drainage structure adjustments, curb and gutter replacement, guardrail removal and replacement, detector loop, maintenance of existing traffic signal installation, survey monuments, earth excavation, topsoil and sodding, traffic protection, pavement marking and all other work required to complete the project.
Competitive bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement Code. D. Construction, Inc. was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.