BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 34, Finance, Article IV, Procurement Code, Division 6, Bid Incentives and Preferences, Section 34-234, Re-entry employment earned credits, of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 34-234. - Re-entry employment earned credits
(a) The COP shall include information regarding re-entry employment earned credits in all advertisements for Qualifying Contracts
(b) Upon completion of a Qualifying Contract, a Contractor may apply to the CPO for Earned Credits, on such forms and including such information as required by the CPO. If the Contractor met or exceeded the Former Offender Employment goals established in the Qualifying Contract. If the CPO determines that the Contractor has successfully met or exceeded its employment plan in the Qualifying Contract, the CPO shall issue an Earned Credit Certificate that evidences the amount of Earned Credits calculated as set forth below. The Contractor may utilize the Earned Credits as set forth in this division in a future Bid for a Contract for Public Works of equal or greater value as the Qualifying Contract, by including a copy of the Earned Credit Certificate with its Bid.
(c) For any Qualifying Contract, the CPO shall determine the Earned Credits, as follows. And issue an Earned Credit Certificate, which shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance.
Percentage of Total Labor Hours Performed by Earned Credit
Former Offenders
5-10% 1/2% of Bid price
10-20% 1% of Bid price
Over 20% 1.5% of Bid price
(d) For purposes of calculating the lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder only, the CPO shall deduct from the Bid Price the amount of Earned Credit set forth on the Earned Credit Certificate submitted by a Bidder. If the Bidder is awarded the Contract, such Earned Credit Certificate may not be used again in a future Bid.
Effective date: ...
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