Department: Department of Transportation and Highways
Grantee: Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways
Grantor: Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) / Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ)
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: Roadway Improvements
Grant Amount: $12,272,000 from Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ)
Grant Period: 4/25/19 to 04/25/2024 (5 years)
Fiscal Impact: 20% match, $2,454,400.00
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax: 11300.1500.29150.560019
Department of Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents and determined fiscal impact, if any.
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests Approval of the Proposed Grant Award Acceptance between Cook County and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) award. Cook County will be the lead agency for construction improvements along Lake Cook Road from Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane, to be identified as Cook County Section: 14-A5015-03-RP (estimated construction cost $48,843,276.00); the FHWA (administered through IDOT) will reimburse Cook County up to a maximum $22,087,000.00 ($12,272,000 from the CMAQ program and $9,815,000 from the Surface Transportation Program (STU)) and the County of Cook shall be responsible for the remaining balance (estimated $26,756,276.00)