Department: County Clerk
Grantee: County Clerk
Grantor: Illinois State Board of Elections
Request: Authorization to increase
Purpose: To upgrade election related computer systems to address cyber vulnerabilities
Supplemental Grant Amount: $109,049.00
Grant Period: 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2020
Extension Period: N/A
Fiscal Impact: None
Accounts: N/A.
Date of Previous Board Authorization for Grant: 11/14/2018
Previous Grant Amount: $364,271.00
Department of Budget and Management Services has received all requisite documents and determined fiscal impact, if any.
Summary: The 2018 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Election Security Grant is to be used to upgrade election related computer systems to address cyber vulnerabilities identified through scans or assessments of existing election systems and implement cyber security best practices for election systems and other activities that will improve the security of elections.
The Cook County Clerk’s Office is eligible to receive an additional amount of $109,049.00 in excess of the original grant allocation for qualifying reimbursable expenditures.