Office of the State's Attorney
requesting approval by the Board of Commissioners to transfer funds totaling $90,000.00 from and to the accounts listed below.
This transfer of funds, which represents less than one-tenth of one percent of our 2013 budget, should be sufficient to fulfill our obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year for three accounts with projected shortages. These accounts are: 225 Postage, where we have seen an increase in certified mailings; 388 Computer Supplies, mainly due to the high number of CD and DVD storage disks for video interrogations and the related discoveries, as well as the increasing cost of printer toner; and 444 Maintenance of Autos, where the expiration of warrantees on a large portion of our fleet has resulted in repair costs slightly higher than anticipated.
From Account(s):
250-353, $15,000.00; 250-441, $50,000.00; 250-445, $25,000.00
To Account(s):
250-225, $20,000.00; 250-388, $30,000.00; 250-444, $40,000.00
Total Amount of Transfer:
On what date did it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds in order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what was the balance 30 days prior to that date?
On June 1, Account 225 had a balance of approximately $46,000; on May 1 the balance was $86,000.
On July 1, Account 388 had a balance of only $4,000; on June 1 the balance was $25,000.
The balance in Account 444 has been depleted for most of the year, since almost all of the funding each year is encumbered early as Purchase Orders are issued to various vendors in accordance with the annual county wide contracts for automotive repair. At the beginning of July we realized that the remaining balances in these P.O.s might not be sufficient, and that a transfer was advisable.
How was the account used for the source of transferred funds identif...
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