Department: Cook County Department of Environmental Control
Grantee: Cook County Department of Environmental Control
Grantor: United States Department of Energy
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: The U.S. Department of Energy awarded a grant to Cook County pursuant to an application to the Department's Solar Market Pathways program. Partners listed in the application include the City of Chicago, Elevate Energy, Environmental Law and Policy Center, West Monroe Partners and ComEd.
The project will identify and establish models for community solar and eliminate barriers to implementation. The project will inventory the current community solar marketplace in Northeast Illinois, and identify the potential market for community solar (suitable available sites/supply, and customer base/demand). It will analyze the economics of different ownership structures (such as independent or private entity, utility-sponsored, or group of subscribers) and then identify the structural, regulatory, and policy barriers to community solar and propose approaches to eliminate those barriers. Detailed analysis of five to seven pilot case studies will create models that can be replicated across the region and lessons learned to help other regional projects succeed.
Grant Amount: $1,238,308.00
Grant Period: 12/15/2014 - 6/30/2016
Fiscal Impact: $84,177.00 (In-Kind Personnel)
Accounts: 161-110
The Budget Department has received all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook County, if any.
Summary: The project will identify and establish models for community solar and eliminate barriers to implementation.