BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners that Part I, General Ordinances, Chapter 2, Administration, Article IV, Officers and Employees, Division 8, Internet, of the Cook County Code shall be amended as follows:
Division 8.Internet Advertising and Asset Marketing.
Sec. 2-320. Internet advertising.
(a) Definitions. The following terms used in this section shall have the meanings as set forth below:
Advertising means Internet advertising, which may include, but is not limited to, banners and icons that may include links to commercial and/or noncommercial Internet sites. Internet advertising shall not include "spy-ware", "mal-ware" and/or any "viruses" and/or programs considered to be malicious.
Websites means any current or subsequent sites, websites, Internet pages, and/or web pages of the Offices of the Cook County Assessor, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County and the Cook County Recorder of Deeds, with the respective Internet addresses and/or subdomains of:
www.cookcountyclerkofcourt.org; and
these websites are meant to provide the public with information pertaining to the services offered by each of these offices, including relevant forms and searchable data.
(b) The Cook County Assessor, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County and the Cook County Recorder of Deeds are herein authorized to place commercial and noncommercial advertising on their respective websites, at their discretion. Each Office may make requests for proposals for the purpose of identifying potential advertisers.
(c) Each Office will identify qualified advertisers and qualified advertising material by reviewing the submissions pursuant to the policy considerations as stated in Exhibit A (the Internet Advertising Guidelines) as amended [initially attached to Ordinance No. 07-O-10]. The guidelines are for the purpose of e...
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