Department: Transportation and Highways
Other Part(ies): Globetrotters Engineering Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Approval of the Proposed Agreement
Goods or Services: Preliminary Engineering Services - Invest in Cook 2017
Location: Illinois International Port District in the City of Chicago
Section Number: 17-IICFR-03-PV
County Board District: 4
Centerline Mileage: 1.16 miles
Agreement Period: One-time Agreement
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Fiscal Impact: $535,510.86 ($267,755.43 (50%) to be reimbursed from the State of Illinois)
Accounts: 11900.1500.53567.560019
Summary: The Department of Transportation and Highways respectfully requests approval of the Proposed Agreement between Cook County and Globetrotters Engineering Corporation, Chicago, Illinois. This project will reconstruct Butler Drive from its western terminus at Doty Avenue to its eastern terminus at Stony Island Avenue, as well as reconstruct Stony Island Avenue from its northern terminus at Butler Drive south to the intersection at 130th Street. These two roadways provide sole access to the Illinois International Port District’s Facilities located on the south side of Lake Calumet. Cook County will be the lead agency and the State of Illinois will reimburse the County for its share of Preliminary Engineering costs that total $267,755.43.