File #: 25-1298    Version: 1 Name: NATIONAL CONDOM WEEK
Type: Consent Calendar Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action:
Title: PROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING NATIONAL CONDOM WEEK WHEREAS, research shows that positive conversations about safe sex is an effective way to increase condom use, and WHEREAS, sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) s like H.I.V. AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs are major causes of death in the world, and WHEREAS, each year in the United States, there are approximately 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and WHEREAS, STIs and unwanted pregnancies have a profound impact on lifelong health, and WHEREAS, condoms are proven to be a highly-effective protection against pregnancy and (STDs) and (STIs), and WHEREAS, Condoms are inexpensive and reduce the risks for STI's and, WHEREAS, condoms are 98 percent effective at preventing STIs and unplanned pregnancies. condoms are effective, accessible and easy to use, and WHERES, National Condom Week was initiated to raise awareness of the importance of pra...
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WHEREAS, research shows that positive conversations about safe sex is an effective way to increase condom use, and

WHEREAS, sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) s like H.I.V. AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs are major causes of death in the world, and

WHEREAS, each year in the United States, there are approximately 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and

WHEREAS, STIs and unwanted pregnancies have a profound impact on lifelong health, and

WHEREAS, condoms are proven to be a highly-effective protection against pregnancy and (STDs) and (STIs), and

WHEREAS, Condoms are inexpensive and reduce the risks for STI's and,

WHEREAS, condoms are 98 percent effective at preventing STIs and unplanned pregnancies. condoms are effective, accessible and easy to use, and

WHERES, National Condom Week was initiated to raise awareness of the importance of practicing safe and protected sex, and

WHEREAS, National Condom Week was created to raise awareness of the importance of using condoms to prevent S.T.D.s and unwanted pregnancies and practicing safe sex

WHEREAS, National Condom Week was created to stop the rise in teen pregnancies, and to educate people about the benefits of using condoms as a contraceptive, and

WHEREAS, According to the World Health Organization, increased condom use since 1990 has prevented an estimated 117 million new HIV infections, and

WHEREAS, Raising awareness of the importance of condom use is our responsibility. This week gives us a chance to do our part for the welfare of society, and

WHEREAS, Using condoms is a way of caring for yourself and your community, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and the Cook County Board of Commissioners, on behalf of the more than 5.2 million residents of Cook County, do hereby take this opportunity to acknowledge National Condom Week, and

BE IT ...

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